Fabio Pigozzi is the Deputy Rector of the State Sports University of Rome “Foro Italico” where he is also Professor of Internal Medicine and Head of the Sports Medicine Laboratory; besides he is President of the Italian NADO and Scientific Director of the FIFA Medical Center of Excellence of Rome.
A graduate of Medical Sciences at the Rome University “La Sapienza” with specialisation in Cardiology and Sports Medicine, Prof. Pigozzi also hold a number of positions in the sport administration. These include: President of the International Federation of Sports Medicine; Member of the Foundation Board and of the Health, Medical and Research Committee of the World Anti-Doping Agency-WADA; Member of the Medical and Scientific Commission of the International Olympic Committee; Member of the Medical Commissions of the Association of the National Olympic Committees-ACNO and of the European Olympic Committees. He contributed to several topics in Sport Medicine and Sport Science, particularly on cardiovascular response to physical exercise and training, physical medicine and rehabilitation, nutrition and antidoping. Author of about 200 scientific publications.